93 research outputs found

    Design optimization of a slotless PM brushless motor with spiral wound laminations for rim driven thrusters

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    This paper discusses the analysis and design of a very thin slotless PM brushless motor whose stator laminations are manufactured from a single strip of steel that is edge wound into a spiral (like a “Slinky”) and then fitted over the windings that are preformed on the outside surface of a non-conducting former. Analytical and finite element analysis (FEA) are used to determine the constrained optimum dimensions of a motor used to drive a rim driven thruster in which the motor rotor is fitted onto the rim of the propeller and the stator is encapsulated in the thin Kort nozzle of the thruster. The paper describes the fabrication of a demonstrator motor and presents experimental results to validate the theoretical calculations. Experimental motor performance esults are also reported and compared with those of a slotted motor that fits within the same active radial dimensions as the slotless motor. The slotless motor, which has longer active length and endwindings, and thicker magnets than the slotted motor, was found to be less efficient and more expensive (prototype cost) than the slotted machine

    Some issues in the 'archaeology' of software evolution

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    During a software project's lifetime, the software goes through many changes, as components are added, removed and modified to fix bugs and add new features. This paper is intended as a lightweight introduction to some of the issues arising from an `archaeological' investigation of software evolution. We use our own work to look at some of the challenges faced, techniques used, findings obtained, and lessons learnt when measuring and visualising the historical changes that happen during the evolution of software

    Motion studies of cathode roots in high current arcs using an optical fibre array based imaging system

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    This paper presents an integrated portable measurement system for the study of high speed and high temperature unsteady plasma flows such as those found in the vicinity of high current switching arcs. The system permits direct and non-intrusive measurement of arc light emission images with a capture rate of 1 million images per second (1MHz), and 8 bit intensity resolution. Novel software techniques are reported to measure arc trajectories. Results are presented on single high current (2kA) discharge events where the electrode and arc runner surfaces are investigated using 3D laser scanning methods; such that the position of the arc roots on the runner can be correlated to the measured trajectories. The results show evidence of the cathode arc root stepping along the arc runners, and regions of where the arc runner is eroded by a stationary arc

    Motion studies of high current arcs using an optical fibre array imaging system

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    This paper presents an integrated portable measurement system for thestudy of high speed and high temperature unsteady plasma flows such as thosefound in the vicinity of high current switching arcs. The system permits direct andnon-intrusive measurement of arc light emission images with a capture rate of 1million images per second (1MHz), and 8 bit intensity resolution. Novel softwaretechniques are reported to measure arc trajectories. Results are presented on singlehigh current (2kA) discharge events where the electrode and arc runner surfaces areinvestigated using 3D laser scanning methods; such that the position of the arc rootson the runner can be correlated to the measured trajectories. The results showevidence of the cathode arc root stepping along the arc runners<br/

    Motion studies of high current arcs using an optical fibre array imaging system

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    This paper presents an integrated portable measurement system for thestudy of high speed and high temperature unsteady plasma flows such as thosefound in the vicinity of high current switching arcs. The system permits direct andnon-intrusive measurement of arc light emission images with a capture rate of 1million images per second (1MHz), and 8 bit intensity resolution. Novel softwaretechniques are reported to measure arc trajectories. Results are presented on singlehigh current (2kA) discharge events where the electrode and arc runner surfaces areinvestigated using 3D laser scanning methods; such that the position of the arc rootson the runner can be correlated to the measured trajectories. The results showevidence of the cathode arc root stepping along the arc runners<br/

    An inertial coupled marine power generator for small boats

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    This paper proposes a device to harvest energy from the vertical motion of small boats and yachts. The device comprises a sprung mass coupled to an electrical generator through a ball screw. The mathematical equations describing the dynamics of the system are derived. The equations are used to determine the optimum device parameters, namely its mass, spring constant, ball screw lead, within practical constraints. Simulation results are presented to determine the maximum power that can be generated and the optimum load resistance as a function of boat vibration frequency

    Design and Control of a Flight-Style AUV with Hovering Capability

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    The small flight-style Delphin AUV is designed to evaluate the performance of a long range survey AUV with the additional capability to hover and manoeuvre at slow speed. Delphin’s hull form is based on a scaled version of Autosub6000, and in addition to the main thruster and control surfaces at the rear of the vehicle, Delphin is equipped with four rim driven tunnel thrusters. In order to reduce the development cycle time, Delphin was designed to use commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) sensors and thrusters interfaced to a standard PC motherboard running the control software within the MS Windows environment. To further simplify the development, the autonomy system uses the State-Flow Toolbox within the Matlab/Simulink environment. While the autonomy software is running, image processing routines are used for obstacle avoidance and target tracking, within the commercial Scorpion Vision software. This runs as a parallel thread and passes results to Matlab via the TCP/IP communication protocol. The COTS based development approach has proved effective. However, a powerful PC is required to effectively run Matlab and Simulink, and, due to the nature of the Windows environment, it is impossible to run the control in hard real-time. The autonomy system will be recoded to run under the Matlab Windows Real-Time Windows Target in the near future. Experimental results are used to demonstrating the performance and current capabilities of the vehicle are presented

    Computational fluid dynamics simulation of a rim driven thruster

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    An electric rim driven thruster is a relatively new marine propulsion device that uses a motor in its casing to drive a propeller by its rim and the fluid dynamics associated with their operation have not been fully investigated. There are many interacting flow features that make up the flow field of a rim driven thruster that pose a number of challenges when it comes to simulating the device using computational fluid dynamics. The purpose of this work is to develop a computational fluid dynamics solution process that accurately simulates features including vortex generation and behaviour, radial pumping and rotor-stator interaction while attempting to minimise computational costs. This will enable the method to be used to calculate an objective function, typically the thrust or propulsive efficiency of the device, in a design optimisation study. Implementation within a design optimisation study also requires the numerical methods to be easily repeatable and robust in both mesh generation and solution.Mesh generation was performed using snappyHexMesh, a meshing program that is part of OpenFOAM, and a thorough mesh verification procedure has been conducted. Validation of the computational fluid dynamics solution of a standard series propeller, as a baseline case with good experimental data from MARIN, using the open source Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes solver MRFSimpleFoam (part of the OpenFOAM software) has been performed. Results show a great sensitivity to computational domain size that suggest that similar previous works may have used an insuffcient domain size. In particular, it is shown that a number of boundary conditions may be used if the domain is large enough. Also, comparisons are made between the Re-Normalisation Group (RNG) k-e and k-w Shear Stress Transport (SST) turbulence models (the most widely reported models in the literature), and the k-w SST model is found to be robust due to its better handling of the separation that occurs at low propeller advance ratios. Validation against experimental data for the standard series propeller shows good agreement to within 5%.The validated solution method is then applied to a rim driven thruster and key design areas are highlighted by the results. The rim is found to be an important region of the flow, the drag on which comprises almost half of the torque losses in the device. Interaction between the rotors and the stators is also a key area, with both thrust and torque changing as the position of the blades is varied

    Comparative studies on the interactions between human serum albumin, bovine serum albumin and cholesterol: ftir and fluorescence spectroscopy

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    The interaction of the human serum albumin (HSA), bovine serum albumin (BSA) with cholesterol has been investigated. The basic binding interaction was studied by FTIR and fluorescence spectroscopy. From spectral analysis cholesterol showed a strong ability to quench the intrinsic fluorescence of HSA and BSA through a static quenching mechanism. The binding constant (k) between HSA and cholesterol is estimated to be K=2.14 × 103 M-1 at 293 K while between BSA and cholesterol is estimated to be K=.1.12 × 103 M-1 at the same temperature. FTIR spectroscopy with Fourier self-deconvolution technique was used to determine the protein secondary structure and cholesterol binding mechanisms. The observed spectral changes indicate a higher percentage of H-bonding between cholesterol and -helix compared to the percentage of H-bonding to cholesterol and -sheets.This work is supported by the German Research Foundation DFG grant No. DR228/24-

    An inertial coupled marine power generator for small boats

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    This paper proposes a device to harvest energy from the vertical motion of small boats and yachts. The device comprises a sprung mass coupled to an electrical generator through a ball screw. The mathematical equations describing the dynamics of the system are derived. The equations are used to determine the optimum device parameters, namely its mass, spring constant, ball screw lead, within practical constraints. Simulation results are presented to determine the maximum power that can be generated and the optimum load resistance as a function of boat vibration frequency